I've had a long list of things I wanted to blog about that's been piling up until I could find a free moment. The last couple of days' events have taken over that list. I guess you'll have to wait to hear about our Halloween fun until next year. So, enjoy a small portion of my daily life. I tell you, these kids keep me on my toes!
Yesterday we were busy assembling a story about Presidents and the Election. The pages didn't come in order and so I was trying {with little luck} to instruct 17 kiddos about the correct order for their books. After the first run-through with a success of only 4 correctly-ordered books we started over. It wasn't until the end of the second set of directions that one of my sweet kids said, "Ms. Schlimgen is page 6 supposed to come after page 5?" Ummm...excuse me??? Yes. There were page numbers. That I didn't see. THANK YOU sweet 6 year old for pointing that out. O.M.G. I told myself there were only a few minutes left in the day and I was just tired. {Are you laughing yet?} And yes, we left our pages out of order because I didn't want to rip the staples out of the ones that were already correctly put together in the wrong order.
In the spirit of election we held our own little election today. We read 3 fabulous books about elections; Grace For President, My Teacher For President, and Duck For President. After reading our stories we voted to decide who should be the next President. I'm happy to report that yes, I did win. However, the Duck still managed to get 5 of our 17 votes. Really??? The DUCK got 5 votes???? You little munchkins will be getting extra homework tomorrow. Kidding. :)
And the one that takes the award for cutest story this week...I was doing a writing conference today with one of my kiddos. His story was called "My Teacher". I just knew it was going to be a good story with a title like that! As I read the story he helped me to decode his fabulous first grade spelling...My teacher is goofy. My teacher is fun. My teacher is nice. I really wasn't sure what the last page said so I asked him to read it to me. The sweet little one turned bright red and said "My teacher is BEAUTIFUL!" Want to know how to melt my heart? That's how! Totally made my day. Thanks, kiddo. :)
Here's to hoping the rest of the week is as good as the first part was!