ANYWAY! It's a 489 page packet of daily math activities! Each morning my kids are responsible for completing their calendar binder. I wish I had some pictures to better explain this, but I don't so I'll have to do the best I can. Calendar Binders are the first thing we do each morning. It's a great way to have them settle in each morning instead of wandering around waiting for me. If anyone lost a tooth they record it on the tooth graph. We use the baseball card holders to represent the day using hundreds, tens, and ones.
Then, they complete a page of activities. The basic format is the same, but the skills change based on what we've been learning. The pages are always a review of the past couple of days. I also mix in some assessments for report card and conference times. This set of activities was made to go along with the Math Expressions series, but could easily be adapted to fit any curriculum.
There are actually 2 copies of the same activities in the pack. The first has each "number of the day" numbered for you. The second set does not. That way you could use them in whatever order you want! I hope you can find this useful! Make sure to head to my store to get your copy!
{Also, if anyone knows how to get rid of that annoying box around my name PLEASE let me know. I have spent WAY too much time trying to figure that out as well!}