Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Good News Just Keeps Getting Better

We've had a few good news moments since the beginning of the year that I haven't yet shared.  Good news moments that only teachers can understand and get excited about.  Let's start with the best news of all.  As of today (at 11:06 to be exact) I am DONE with beginning of the year assessments!!!!!!!  WOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!  Yes, it's October 9th.  Never-mind there's rumor of a new district assessment that would start in November.  Apparently we took the slow and steady approach which translates to drag everything out as long as possible.  Long enough that I had to do running records AGAIN because the ones we did the first 2 weeks of school are no longer accurate.  Long enough that our servers BROKE in the middle of MAP testing, dragging it out into a third week.  Not just "went down" broke, either.  No, they actually broke.  A piece had to be replaced which meant we were out of luck in anything network related for nearly a week.

But, back to the good news.  We began our year with 2 or 3 recess duty days per week.  We rotated each day so one week you'd have 2 days, the next you'd have 3.  That lasted a week.  And now?  DUTY FREE!  Heck.  Yes.

Look what arrived just in time for Open House...

CHAIRS!  Remember how we started the year without any?  We are now a chair filled room.  I have kids at my tables of 3 asking why their table has 4 chairs. Because that's how tables work, kids!

Shoot, I had one more piece of good news and now I can't remember it.  I guess I got too excited about finishing assessments.  Oh well.  

I hope you've received some good news lately!  Enjoy the rest of your week!

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