Thursday, September 26, 2013

Our Party Rocks and a Freebie

Wow, talk about progress!  I'll be the first to admit that the school year started out a bit rocky.  We have a brand new math series and an ELA program that's a bit up in the air somewhere between hold steady with the old and change everything.  Oh, and let's not forget that 3 of our 4 first grade teachers {myself included!} are new.  So, baby steps was and still is the name of the game.  And then the kids showed up who really did rock...back and forth, onto their bellies, rolling around...All. Over. The. Room. It cause me to drink way too much Diet Pepsi for that to continue all year.  So, practice, practice, breathe, practice.  And now?  Our party is ROCKING for much better reasons.  Each and every day is way better than the last {I hope I'm not jinxing myself!} and we even earned our SECOND paw print for good behavior.  Our school has only earned 3 total.  Just class is rocking.

We're still knee deep in assessments and trying to find our normal routine.  Next week we're rolling out our full Daily 5 schedule with actual rotations.  I may have a small panic attack about not having total control over my class during this time.  I know it's not the "real way" but I usually have my entire class do each rotation at the same time.  This year we're going to try having different groups at different stations.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed this doesn't all fall apart after day 1.  I've spend too much time convincing myself it's going to work for it not to!

Oh, and those assessments?  We were on day 2 of Map assessments when...our servers crashed.  For our entire district.  As in a part actually broke and is still being delivered.  So, our internet is spotty at best and I have no access to any of our drives.  That includes ALL of my files.  Talk about being WAY too dependent on technology.  Luckily I still have a backup on my external hard drive that's mostly up to date to get us by.

Luckily the stuff I had planned to share with you tonight was also saved on the external HD.  I shared with you a tour of my classroom HERE.  I made most of the "poster" type things on the walls.  So, if any of them can be of use to you go!  The file includes clock labels, color words, months of the year that I used as a birthday board, and money signs/labels.  I'll share my number words and tens frames as soon as I do a little editing.

I hope your party is rocking as well!

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  1. So glad your year is getting better each and every day! Isn't that a GREAT feeling? I just wanted to let you know that your Budding Blogger Showcase will go live at 9:00am (EST) tomorrow! :)

    Teaching Maddeness

  2. Hey! I'm stopping by from Amanda's blog! I'm a kindergarten teacher and a new follower :) Glad things are coming together for you!

    Carolina Teacher

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Welcome Mrs. Jones! I am also a first grade teacher and am glad to get to know you better. I am your newest follower and I hope you drop by and say hi sometime. Best wishes for the year.
    First Grade by the Sea
