Friday, August 31, 2012

{Almost} Back to School

Hi Everyone!  I'm about to start my last weekend before school starts.  Instead of actually working on checking off that mile long to-do list, I'm going shopping and to the spa with my mom and sister!  I guess school will just have to wait.  :)

Since we haven't actually started our school year, I don't have any pictures to post, but I wanted to share one of my favorite back-to-school activities and books.  There's a great party happening at Blog Hoppin' and of course I waited until the last minute to join!

I am a HUGE fan of the David Shannon books.  You can find them at The Clever School Teacher.  I linked No, David! for you HERE.  They are great for back to school for a couple of reasons.  Aside from my kiddos finding them absolutely hilarious, most of them can read the books.  It's a great confidence builder as we start our Reader's Workshop.  After reading a few of the David books we talk about school and what we should and shouldn't do.  Last year we made a class book called "No  First Grader, Yes First Grader".  I know this idea came from someone, somewhere but I have to apologize...I'm not sure who or where.  My team member gave me a copy and I don't have the original source.  If it was you, please let me know!!!  Each child thought of something they shouldn't do at school, then thought of an appropriate alternative.  No running in the halls, yes to walking in the halls.  Then, they illustrated their page and we put them all together.  It was a great way to review school rules, incorporate some writing, make some connections to the books we had just read, and an adorable little keepsake from our first week of school!

To those of you who have already started school, I hope you're having a GREAT year.  To all of my Wisconsin friends and others who haven't started just yet, have a GREAT last weekend of summer and a GREAT start to your school year!

1 comment:

  1. Hi There!
    I saw your post about making Previews on Teacher Blogging Basic's site...if you use Powerpoint it's super easy! You'd save your Powerpoint as a JPEG. Each slide will save as a jpeg in a folder. Then, you open a new Powerpoint document and insert the jpegs from that folder. You'll have to shrink them down to the size you need but then you can rearrange them to your heart's content and then you'll have a preview page!

    If you'd like, check out my new blog where I'm having a Thirty One giveaway Growing Firsties.

    Smiles & best wishes - Lisa
